Wednesday 27 August 2014

Scientific Variables

Click on this link to watch and recap what independent, dependent and control variables are in a scientific experiment.

Tuesday 11 February 2014

Salmon Fish Dissection Game

Click on this link to play the Salmon Dissection Game. Remember to also click on the ' i ' for additional information.
Learning science is fun!

Friday 31 January 2014

Natural Science project

Project: Classification Poster

Due date: (Each class has a week to complete the project)
7O - 7 February 2014
7N - 10 February 2014
7B- 11 February 1014
Design and make a classification poster (A3 size).  Follow the steps below.  See the rubric for the marking criteria.

Step 1:  Choose a specific organism: ________________________________
(e.g. “Black Rhino” instead of just “rhino”)

Step 2:  Research the taxonomy of this organism.  Use an encyclopaedia or internet resources to find the following groupings to which this organism belongs:

Kingdom:      _______________________

Phylum:        _______________________

Class:           _______________________

Order:         _______________________ 

Family:         _______________________

Genus:         _______________________

Species:      _______________________

Step 3: Type the information you have found (remember to properly write the Genus species) and mount it on your A3 paper.  Find two or more pictures of your organism and add them to your poster.

Project requirements:
·         Include at least two pictures
·         Include each of the organism’s levels of classification
·         Common name and scientific name must be highly visible on the poster
·         Must be neat and attractive

Grammar & Bibliography
One - two spelling and/or grammatical errors.
A complete bibliography has been included with all the resources used. 
Three or more spelling and/or grammatical errors.  No bibliography is included.
Two or more pictures of the organism are included on the poster.
No pictures of the organism are included on the poster.
Pictures and text have been neatly cut out and glued onto the paper or have been printed attractively from a computer. 

Pictures and text have been cut out and glued onto paper very messily without proper care.
Scientific name
Scientific name is printed in the correct scientific manner.
Scientific name does not meet any of the italics/capitalisation guidelines.
Organism taxonomy
All seven levels of classification are represented in an orderly way.
Poster is missing more than one level of the organism’s classification.
Added information
One or more unique/interesting fact(s) about the selected organism is included on poster.
No unique/interesting fact(s) about the selected organism is included on poster
Student name and rubric
Learner’s name is written clearly on the bottom right corner of the back of the poster.
Distributed rubric was resubmitted with project for marking purposes (Go greenJ)
Learner’s name is not on the poster and/or distributed rubric was not resubmitted with project for marking purposes. (Not going green L)
Poster size
Correct size (1)
Incorrect size (0)
