Tuesday 20 August 2013

Heat Transfer

Here is a great link that shows examples of the heat transfer methods.  

Sunday 14 July 2013

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Inter house Soccer and Netball

Our annual soccer and netball inter house will take place on Friday15 March during school time from12:00-13:30.  All the grades 4-7’s will participate unless there is a medical reason.  Learners bring their school bag on Friday and school will continue as normal should it rain.

The learners must wear their house (David, Samson and Caleb) shirt, PE shorts, sport cap and sports tekkies.  Bring a water bottle and sun block.

Friday 1 March 2013

Virtual Fish Dissection

As an introduction to the real fish dissection the grade 7's went to the IT lab and did a virtual salmon fish dissection.  This is great for revision - here's the link.

Photo's of the grade 7's dissecting a Tilapia in class to follow.

Monday 18 February 2013

Monday 28 January 2013

Gr. 6 Afrikaans Siklustoets 1 Feb. 2013

Leer asseblief die volgende:

Hersien die instruksies en die vraagwoorde op bl. 8 in jou graad 6 Lekkerbek Reeks boek. 

Algemene taalwerk wat in graad 5 behandel is, sal gevra word.
Bv.     tyd (tenses)
          voegwoorde (en, want, omdat)
          liggaam - woordeskat
          diere – woordeskat
          vekleining en meervoude(Afrikaans Handbook and Study Guide: 8-10)